This deliverable provides the instructions and a set of toolkits for the CircularCityChallenge contest, which is a competition-based approach and concept to provide young people aged 14-18 with learning/participation opportunities about circular systems and nature-based sustainability solutions in urban environments. The contest aims to create new and improved educational methods to be utilized in upper secondary schools about circularity and sustainability more broadly.

The deliverable consists of three main parts:

•  The logbook is a section for young people/participants that guides them through the steps of the contest, from identifying a circularity challenge in their local context, to developing and implementing a creative solution, to sharing and learning from the experiences of other participants and stakeholders. The logbook also contains tips, examples, and exercises to help the participants along the way.

•  The guidebook is a section for teachers/facilitators that provides them with the background information, objectives, and outcomes of the contest, as well as the instructions and suggestions on how to organize, facilitate, and evaluate the contest activities in their classrooms or schools. The guidebook also contains links to the relevant curricula, tools, methods, and resources that can be used to support the contest.

•  The toolkits are a set of curated existing resources that can be used by young people/participants and teachers/facilitators at each step of the contest, as indicated in the logbook and guidebook. The toolkits include online platforms, databases, videos, podcasts, games, quizzes, worksheets, and more, that cover various topics and aspects related to urban circularity and sustainability.

The instructions and toolkits are formatted for online use with the CircularCityChallenge Platform, which is an interactive and collaborative online platform that supports the contest activities and communication. The instructions and toolkits are also available in pdf format that can be downloaded into mobile technologies or printed and folded into a booklet.

The instructions and toolkits are based on the research carried out in WP2 of the project, which involved a literature review, expert interviews, and stakeholder analysis. The instructions and toolkits are also aligned with the ethical framework of value-sensitive design, which ensures that the contest respects and values the participation and agency of young people.

The instructions and toolkits are living documents that will be further adapted according to the requirement and affordances of the CircularCityChallenge Platform and the feedback from the stakeholders.


The deliverable is available for download. We hope that this deliverable will provide useful guidance and inspiration for educators, students, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners who are interested in participating or organizing the CircularCityChallenge contest. We also welcome your feedback and comments on our work. Please feel free to contact us.