Our Official Golden Sponsor
Klima- und Energiefonds
Der Klima- und Energiefonds unterstützt Österreich mit seinen Programmen und Initiativen, klimaneutral zu werden. Er entwickelt richtungsweisende Strategien, Konzepte und Programme in den Bereichen Energie- und Mobilitätswende, Klimawandel und Bewusstseinsbildung. Das Ziel ist die Entwicklung einer CO2-freien Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, die Stärkung der Innovationskraft heimischer Unternehmen und die nachhaltige Nutzung regionaler Ressourcen.
The Climate and Energy Fund supports Austria in becoming climate-neutral with its programs and initiatives. It develops pioneering strategies, concepts and programs in the areas of energy and mobility transition, climate change and awareness-raising. The aim is to develop a CO2-free economy and society, strengthen the innovative power of domestic companies and promote the sustainable use of regional resources.

The Klimaschulen program, initiated by the Klima- und Energiefonds, aims to intensively and sustainably raise awareness and mobilize students, teachers, and school administrators on climate-related topics. The program integrates climate-relevant themes such as energy and mobility transition, climate protection, climate change adaptation, circular economy, and sustainable lifestyles into the school curriculum. Klimaschulen projects are designed to foster long-term behavioral changes and encourage active participation in climate action. By collaborating with at least three schools, the program ensures a comprehensive approach to climate education. It also highlights career opportunities in “Green Jobs” and climate-relevant professions, addressing future skill shortages and promoting a climate-fit future. The program’s ultimate goal is to contribute significantly to the integration of climate crisis awareness into everyday school life, thereby empowering the younger generation to drive positive environmental change.

The ‘Handbuch für Klima- und Energiedetektiv:innen’ (German) presents educational, age-appropriate methods, tips and tools for jointly analysing the climate, energy and mobility situation in schools together with pupils. It also offers concrete examples of measures to combat the shortage of skilled labour in climate-relevant professions, including approaches for taking gender and diversity aspects into account.

For the 360º Klimajob communication and campaign platform (German), the Klima- und Energiefonds has opted for a visualisation based on well-known computer games that many young people are familiar with. The diversity of green jobs is conveyed in the form of characters, e.g. roofers become ‘Eco Roof Masters’ or environmental IT specialists become ‘World Waste Warriors.