Promotion Workshops in the Netherlands!
Partners from Maastricht University engaged schools and organizations in CircularCityChallenge workshops to explore local circularity challenges and potentials. It has been a journey, filled with valuable lessons and promising outcomes.
The engagement of schools for workshops faced many challenges. The main reason why some parties were not interested was timing, since curricula are already fully planned very early on. Despite the engagement challenges faced, the workshops that were conducted showcased the enthusiasm and potential of the participants.
In a workshop at Yuverta Valkenburg, held on September 30th, 2024, one group of students demonstrated exceptional engagement. Their proactive approach and eagerness to learn about circularity were truly inspiring. This group actively participated in discussions and showed a keen interest in developing their ideas further.
Positive Feedback from Schools
The overall response from schools and teachers was positive. Many expressed a strong interest in the project and the workshops, highlighting the relevance and importance of circularity in education. This positive feedback underscores the potential for greater participation and engagement if the project timeline is adjusted to align better with school schedules.
Key Takeaways for Future Success
- Early Planning: Initiating contact with schools earlier in the academic year is essential. This will ensure that workshops can be scheduled without conflicting with pre-planned curricula.
- Effective Communication: Clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders is vital. Ensuring that everyone involved has the necessary information will prevent misunderstandings and last-minute cancellations.
- Adequate Preparation Time: Providing students with preparatory materials and an overview of the workshop content in advance can enhance their engagement and participation. This approach will allow students to come prepared with ideas, making the workshop more productive.
- Flexible Scheduling: Being open to feedback from event organizers and adjusting schedules accordingly can increase the likelihood of participant attendance and engagement.
The journey of engaging schools and organizations in workshops on circularity has been a learning experience filled with positive outcomes and valuable insights. The enthusiasm and interest shown by participants, coupled with the lessons learned, provide a strong foundation for future success. By refining the planning and communication processes, and ensuring adequate preparation time, future initiatives can achieve even greater impact and participation. By capturing the experiences and insights gained during the workshops, the team has created a valuable resource for future projects. This process not only benefits the current team but also provides a foundation for continuous improvement and innovation in future initiatives.