CircularCityChallenge Workshop at Vienna International School
The consortium partners organized co-creation workshops for each city, involving education experts, schools, and young people. Through these workshops, the project team was able to refine the challenge concept to better meet the projects’ objectives and the specific needs of the involved stakeholders. The conducted co-creation workshops focused on the overall challenge concept, topics of interest, learning and submission formats, prizes, and incentives. One of the workshops was held with the Vienna International School (organised by SYNYO) on the 20th of October 2022, including 10 high-school students and 2 teachers.
The participants were asked about their motivation, interests, submission formats and possible Mentorships in regard to the challenge concept. It was understood, that the workshop participants were not only driven extrinsically (receiving monetary recognition and benefits for their future success and professional career) but also very much intrinsically. Students cared deeply about what is happening in their environment and globally, wished to be heard, to be taken seriously, and to contribute to climate action themselves. In this regard, the general concept of supporting circular projects and promoting exchange with like-minded peers and local actors was positively received.
Vienna International School aims to support our students to become responsible global citizens that adapt their lifestyles and way of thinking towards a sustainable lifestyle. Further information can be found here: