Our colleague dr. Özlemnur Ataol recently had the privilege of participating in the Joint Mid-term and Kick-off Event for the ERA-NET Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) calls, including the Building Transformation Call (BTC), which took place from November 8th to 10th in Delft, The Netherlands. This event was a unique opportunity for project partners, funding agencies, and stakeholders to come together for inspiration, exchange of ideas, and collaboration.

The event kicked off on November 9th, with participants from various projects registering and gathering to embark on a journey of knowledge sharing and community building. The day started with a warm welcome from moderators and representatives from funding agencies, including NWO, SIA, EC, Formas, and more.

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity for project partners to share their progress during the mid-term session. The morning was dedicated to mingling and presentations, allowing all partners from different projects to delve into the fascinating work being carried out. It was truly inspiring to witness the dedication and innovation driving urban transformation through art and design. #CircularCityChallenge project received invaluable feedback from fellow researchers and was appreciated for providing a platform amplifying young people’s voices in the decision-making of their cities.

In conclusion, the Joint Mid-term and Kick-off Event for ENUTC and BTC Calls was a remarkable experience filled with insights, collaborations, and a shared passion for urban transformation through art and design. It highlighted the importance of coming together as a community to drive positive change in our cities. We left the event inspired, with a deeper understanding of the diverse projects underway and a renewed sense of purpose in our collective endeavour.