CircularCityChallenge at Universidad de La Rioja – Logroño 2024!

In April, Logroño hosted the CircularCityChallenge event at the public university Universidad de La Rioja, with the aim of disseminating the innovative pilot among first-year university students. The students were guided through the process identifying the key actors in the local system of the challenge they want to address.

Event Highlights

Previous Days:
In the days leading up to the main event, a competition was disseminated among students, sparking interest and engagement.

10 April: A comprehensive classroom workshop was held, focusing on:
• Analysis of best practices for urban circularity

• Development of action plans for urban transformation

• Preparation of presentations

25 April: Students met with municipal circular economy managers. During this meeting, the municipal circular economy strategy was presented to the students, followed by a review of the competition.


The event successfully highlighted the enthusiasm of youth for sustainable urban development. Forty-eight first-year business and administration students participated, demonstrating a keen interest in the subject.

The activities were well-received, with students expressing high levels of satisfaction. While many proposed actions were quite general, the primary objective of raising awareness about the circular economy and encouraging thoughtful proposals for improvement was achieved.

The four professors involved in the activity also found it highly beneficial. They gained new ideas for future classroom activities, ensuring that the impact of this event will extend into subsequent years.